JAPA Services
admissions assistance for graduate programs

International Applicants, African Candidates, & Foreign Professionals
To ensure your application materials are polished and ready for submission, we will revise your work to make it error-free with appropriate formatting. You will need copy editing to correct errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, fix problems with style, continuity and narrative logic, and improve questionable word choices.
After you have had the opportunity to go over and either approve or veto any changes made during copy editing, we will compile and proofread the revised document to ensure that all necessary corrections have been made, and no typographical errors have crept in during the writing, editing, and/or formatting process. We will also check the uniformity of page layout, page numbering, and ancillary text.
Industry standard rates for this type of specialty work are $0.12/word. While we are in the process of expanding the business and growing our clientele, we have currently been offering a reduced rate of $0.09/word.
Additionally, first-time clients are being offered a further discounted introductory rate of $0.07/word. The pay scale is structured such that a retainer of 50% of the anticipated total is required to initiate service. The total cost will be calculated based on the final word count.
Curating a successful application packet requires comprehensive knowledge of language, grammar and punctuation, and an exceptional eye for detail. With our services you’ll get a highly skilled editor who will refine your submission materials to a high professional standard. The normal turnaround time for services is twenty-five business days following receipt of your order.
JAPA Services
We offer admissions assistance for graduate programs designed for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional intellectual and academic aptitude.
Applicants are expected to present ample evidence of their research and academic achievements as well as their ability to work independently on a substantial project. Because diversity of all kinds deeply enriches educational institutions, the international admissions process accommodates applicants with varied backgrounds and life experiences, which are integral to the social and intellectual life of our community.
In order to formulate an accurate applicant response that is comprehensive, distinguished, and authentic for your personal statement, please provide answers to the following (to the best of your ability. Some answers my overlap):
- Describe your professional interests and goals
- Describe your background, academic and research interests, and professional goals
- Briefly articulate how your degree will be useful in your future career
- Briefly specify why you wish to pursue the degree
- Briefly discuss your purpose in obtaining the degree
- Briefly explain your research and study interests in relation to your previous education and professional goals.
- Include your reasons and qualifications for applying to the program or specialization.
- Describe aspects of yourself and/or your work that is not apparent from other application materials.
Get in touch
Tell me a bit about who you are and how I can help you. I will follow up promptly via email.